Half Cent Sales Tax

Local Incentive

A Half Cent Sales Tax can be used to improve targeted infrastructure and attract new businesses and encourage growth. This is a primary tool that EDC's use to offer incentives to qualified projects, companies, infrastructure or job growth. Sales tax increases must be approved by voters before it can be enacted. To see the local government code, visit https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/LG/htm/LG.501.htm.

Economic Incentives offered by the Frisco EDC are negotiated on a case-by-case basis subject to the qualifications, conditions and requirements to be fully described within an Agreement and subject to the approval of the Frisco Economic Development Corporation, Board of Directors.

Area and State grants are available to assist companies with their training needs.

Please reach out to the EDC staff at 972-292-5150 for further information.

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